We're going back to Moldova

We're going to be a part of an outreach concert in the capital. They've invited the whole country. They've never done anything like this. We've never done anything like this. But God knows exactly what He's doing!

Two of the members of the wonderful Moldovan band, Not An Idol, will be a part of the concert as well. Local church leaders will be there to help connect people to Bible studies and the local church in their area.

Please pray that we would be consecrated and covered as we go. For unity relationally, spiritually and musically across cultures and language barriers. And that we would be sharp and straight arrows set on fire flying straight into the bullseye of the target God has for us.

And please pray for the church in Moldova to continue to be rooted, grounded and built up. Pray that nothing would hinder them shaping history in the kingdom of God. And that they would be refreshed as we worship together in spirit and truth.

Partner financially

If the Lord leads you to be a part of this work financially, you may give any of the following ways:

  • in person to one of us

  • Venmo (@asisaac or As Isaac)

  • PayPal (asisaactheband@gmail.com)

  • Mail a check to 615 Swansons Ridge Road, Chattanooga, TN 37421

If you'd like a tax deduction, please still mail the check to our address but make it out to Calvary Chapel Chattanooga. If you don't need a tax deduction, you may also just make it out to As Isaac. Either way, you must hand or mail checks to us.

Anything we raise above our need will be used to bless the church there in Moldova!


If you'd like to be a part of the team by purchasing a shirt, 100% of the proceeds will support our trip. This trip's shirt features the concert theme "Follow Christ" across the top in Romanian (the language they speak in Moldova). Oh, and it's true to size expectations (unlike the last one) and everything is spelled correctly (unlike our mishap before...ha!). You may purchase them HERE.

Stay in touch!

Meleah Smith